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sábado, septiembre 21, 2024

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Modelo XL hizo lo contrario para triunfar. En vez de adelgazar, engordó y sus curvas son fabulosas

Iskra Lawrence es una de las pocas modelos que ha desafiado la industria de la belleza y ha hecho exactamente lo opuesto a los requerimientos o el sentido común que la moda preestablecida dicta. En vez de de adelgazar cada vez más, ella engordó. 

Con 27 años, la joven es una cotizada modelo “XL” o “plus size”, pero antes no era así. Ni tampoco tuvo que bajar de peso para salir en la revistas, sino que todo lo contrario. Hace 10 años era increíblemente flaca. 

Hoy, orgullosa de su cuerpo, se atrevió a mostrar un “antes y después” que pocos estarían orgullosos de comparar.

Both of these images are of me. The left is about 10years ago. And the right just under a month ago. I remember being proud of how skinny I looked during this shoot. And how now people call me fat when I’m just happy to be alive and grateful for this body I call my home. I used to seek approval from the fashion industry and tried to be “perfect”. I thought if I looked like “her” (an unrealistic beauty ideal), I’d be happy, successful and loved. All I found was failure (because you can’t change who you are) emptiness (because my time and energy was being used up trying to achieve something completely self absorbed and shallow sacrificing doing things I loved) and unhappiness (because no restrictive diet or abusive exercise feels good) I share my experiences with you all because if you are feeling like I did there is another way and those recovering from EDs you’re not alone. The best thing I ever did was focus on looking after myself and being the best me I could be. Seeing value in who I was. The impact I could have in the world and people around me. Trying to give, instead of focusing on myself, my image and needing approval from others. And accepting that I am meant to be here just like you, and we were all created to be imperfectly perfect. I started Investing time into self-care, doing things that made me happy. Listening to my body and mind and nourishing them both, without guilt. That is 10years all squished into a lil insta caption but it did take time but it was soooo damn worth it. Because of what I went through My dream has always been to get self-care (mental, emotional and physical wellness) education into schools. And I’ve started that, but I also wanted to create something for adults that still needed a safe space that’s judgement free to go on a positive journey of self love and that’s why I created @everyBODYwithiskra I don’t have all the answers and I’m not ever trying to change anyone or tell people to do this and that etc. But I felt the need to create this as I wish I could have had this when I was struggling and if I’m able to use that to help even one person even better. If you’re triggered by this post please contact @neda ❤

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Recuerdo estar orgullosa de lo delgada que lucía durante esta sesión de fotos. Y como ahora la gente me llama gorda cuando yo estoy feliz de estar viva y agradecida de este cuerpo al que llamo hogar. Solía buscar la aprobación de la industria de la moda e intentaba ser ‘perfecta’“, comentó en la publicación de Instagram.

“Pensaba que si me parecía a ‘ella’ (un ideal de belleza irreal) sería feliz, exitosa y amada. Todo lo que encontré fue fracaso (porque no puedes cambiar quien eres), vacío (porque mi tiempo y energía se estaban agotando tratando de lograr algo completamente irreal) e infelicidad (porque ninguna dieta restrictiva o ejercicio abusivo se siente bien)”, continuó.

Happy Friyay, Wow this week has been crazy but wanted to update you on @everyBODYwithiskra We are 2weeks into my health + fitness + self-care program and app. ✨✨✨ (Link to sign up in my bio) ✨✨✨ And literally Day 1 I already started receiving such heart warming feedback that you loved the first boxing workout with @heathertheheat and love trying the delish recipe ideas I want to start posting the reviews because it’s exactly why I wanted to create this safe space that talked about health as not just a physical goal or expectation that’s been set by the media. But also talk about mental and emotional health. And that this journey of self love isn’t about a before and after photo (unless that’s your thing – you do you girl!) it’s about how you feel everyday and living a life free from insecurity to be fully open to all life has to offer! I also believe when you fall in love with your body and see it as your home you’re going to want to look after it, respect it and value it for all it enables you to do So if you would like to enrich your life with self-love, health and happiness try #everyBODYwithiskra there’s actually a 7day free trial so you can see how you feel. ✨✨✨ Link to join now in my bio ✨✨✨ I’ve made it to fit into your life not ask you to change everything or be unrealistic. I don’t believe in restriction, or telling you what you can and can’t do but instead offering you my support along with expert nutritionists, physiologists, athletes and trainers with a daily videos, workouts and food inspiration And HUGE S/o to all the sparkies who have already signed up and are part of the private Facebook community i LOVE reading how you’re finding the program literally my heart is so so full YOU are why I wanted to create this safe space amidst what can be a very intimidating, elitist, exclusive, diet culture driven fitness industry. YOU are my motivation and inspiration ILYSM❤

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Luego, detalló en cómo empezó a aceptarse a sí misma e invertir tiempo en el autocuidado, escuchando su cuerpo y mente. Su objetivo con esto es compartir el mensaje de bienestar físico, mental y emocional con los demás que sufren desórdenes alimenticios. 

“Es verdaderamente horrible pensar en cómo me sentía pasando por eso, y ver las imágenes de cómo me veía no-saludable y, aún así, me decían que no era lo suficientemente flaca. Todavía me decían que no podía ser modelo. Todavía me decían que mis medidas eran demasiado grandes“, relata en un video.

Please anyone who reads the comments on my pics don’t let it ever stop you from sharing your thoughts. We are all human, I’m not perfect but you’re following me and my page. I could easily just post pics like this every single day. They get me the most likes, the most follows and the least controversy. But that’s not all I feel and believe. Sometimes I’m passionate sometimes I’m confused sometimes i just want to share exactly what I’m feeling in that present moment. I don’t have social media management i don’t plan my posts to make my feed look “good” and as u know i won’t spend time out of my day photoshopping myself in the pics i take because; I know perfect doesn’t exist, I don’t want to create insecurities for myself about my body irl, and i got friends to chill wit and food to eat (There’s nothing wrong with using social media differently – but that just isn’t me) I’ll always be real with you and sometimes that’s controversial, sometimes I will be wrong and sometimes I may piss you off. But i believe in being true to myself and I encourage you all to do you too. Never be scared to show vulnerability, share your story, or your beliefs. I refuse to switch my comments off even when they make me angry or disappointed because I want to learn…each of our human experiences are different so conversing is vital to pushing forward and having empathy for one another. So thank you to those who support me for being me you my real ones ILYSM and sending love to everyone who puts themselves out there I see you❤

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Ser delgada o esbelta no es lo mismo que ser saludable. No me puedes decir que tenía más salud cuando era más flaca, porque yo sé. Yo era esa persona. No estaba bien”.

También contó sobre el daño que le provocó los retoques digitales y el Photoshop. 

“Ni me daba cuenta que estaba dañando mi autoestima, porque esencialmente lo que estaba sucediendo es que tenía dismorfia corporal. Estaba teniendo pensamiento negativos sobre la propia imagen de mi cuerpo, un desorden alimenticio, y estaba recibiendo imágenes de sesiones y fotógrafos en donde no podía reconocerme“.

“Literalmente, tenía familiares que no podían reconocerme”.

Con estas declaraciones, Iskra lo único que desea es expandir el mensaje de autocuidado y derribar los estereotipos impuestos sobre que ser delgados es ser sano o es más bello.

“El mundo necesita menos trolls, menos bullying y menos autodesprecio, y más autoaceptación y celebración de los demás. ¿Por qué no hacemos sentir bien a los demás?“, es una de las reflexiones con las cuales nos quedamos de esta modelo.

Source: UPSOCL

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