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Sus fotografías te dejarán sin palabras

Kenzie Brenna decidió dar un mensaje especial el pasado Día Internacional de la Mujer. Lo que hizo esta chica, fue fotografíar su cuerpo sin culpas, complejos ni vergüenza, demostrando que el amor propio es importante y es posible.

Cada vez es mayor el número de féminas que se someten a tratamientos para poder mejorar su imagen, pero ¿donde queda la aceptación?, este es ele mensaje que Kenzie dio a todas:

“¡FELIZ DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER! “por sobre todo, sé la HEROÍNA de tu propia vida, no la víctima”. Me siento BELLA hoy ¿Y saben qué? Ustedes también lo son. Amo mi sonrisa y la luz en mis ojos y mi cuerpo. También amo la forma en la que me esfuerzo para ser mejor persona, amo lo mucho que me gustan las salsas picantes y amo que sigo intentando sanarme independiente de los difícil que es. Para este Día de la Mujer quiero que todas las mujeres y las personas que se identifiquen como mujeres comenten algo que realmente aman sobre sí mismos. Me ENCANTARÍA saber. Si no puedes comentar algo sobre ti entonces escoge a alguien de la sección de comentarios y dales un cumplido sólo porque sí. Celébrate a ti misma hoy, celebra a las mujeres (Y no sólo hoy, sino que siempre)”.

Además manifestó que si bien el amor propio no siempre es posible, habrá que trabajar en ello para sentirse mejor cada día. Sus fotos fueron inspiración para muchas mujeres en redes sociales.

“No tienes que amarte todos los días, pero TE PROMETO que si practicas quererte tendrás más momentos de amor contigo misma que nunca esperaste tener”.

¿Te atreverías a mostrar tu cuerpo así?

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY! “Above all, be the HEROINE of your own life not the victim.” I am feeling BEAUTIFUL today!!!! And you know what?! So are you! I love my smile and the light behind my eyes and my body #feelinmyself I also love my strive to be a better person, I love how much I love hot sauce and I love that I keep trying to heal myself no matter how hard it is. For women’s day I want all women and female identifying people to comment something that they truly love about themselves. I would LOVE to hear!! If you CANT comment something abt yourself, choose a username in the comment section and compliment them on something!! Celebrate yourself today, celebrate women!! (Not just today tho, always ) #internationalwomensday #youareamazing #youareperfect #youareworthy #loveyourself #selflove #fuckya Una publicación compartida de Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) el 8 de Mar de 2017 a la(s) 6:41 PST

Sometimes I feel like I need a BIG reason to post, like I need to make sure every single post as some type of educated, well thought out, articulated af article. But you know what?!!!!! Today I just wanna show you guys how much I LAVED these high waisted undies!!!! SRSLY, FUCKING LACE?! @aerie @aerie @aerie Really expecting @aerie to expand their sizing so that way more plus size babes can fit into their stuff!!! I’m a size L for those who will ask #beyourownkindofbeautiful #celluliteisokay #cellyonfleek #loveurbum #avocadocurves Una publicación compartida de Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) el 28 de Mar de 2017 a la(s) 12:05 PDT

Here are my thoughts when I look at my least favourite part of my body. ———– “They’re not usually this noticeable.” “If you only had the money to get rid on them.” “They actually look kinda cool.” “Sorta like a the beginning of a story.” “More like the beginning of a LONG story.” “Would I erase my story to not have these?” “You’d probably be more comfortable without them.” “Would I truly though?” “Okay ask yourself the question.” “I don’t wanna.” “Just do it.” “Does this affect the quality of who I am?” “No.” “Would it make you a better person if you got rid of these marks?” “No.” “Would it make you kinder, more generous and a better lover if you had the money to erase them?” “No.” “Then you’re perfect.” “I don’t feel perfect.” “That’s cause perfect isn’t a feeling.” —— you guys get it you don’t have to be in love with yourself everyday, but I PROMISE if you practice self love you will have more loving moments with yourself than you could ever dream of. KEEP DREAMING. KEEP LOVING. KEEP AT IT. #selflovebootcamp #loveyourself #beyourownkindofbeautiful Una publicación compartida de Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) el 23 de Mar de 2017 a la(s) 7:52 PDT

“Find what you l o v e and let it k i l l you” That quote has carried me through a lot. I’ve written about that philosophy a thousand times in my journal. Can you love your hate? According to psychology you kinda can. Our culture has fucked up our emotional exchanges so much that we can feel more comfortable in sadness and in fear, than we can in freedom, love and communicative states. Aka vulnerability, positivity and self assurance. According to this, it’s learned behaviour as well as an influence from societies over-romanticization of bitter hard work. Being comfortable leads to a dopamine flow, which leads to a neutral or positive feelings. I find this interesting because I have always hated myself in everything I do, in relationships, in work, in art, in family etc. Until this last year I just assumed that’s where I would forever live, I accepted that I had an affinity or I “loved” my disorders because I knew then so well and they gave me an IDENTITY. Who was I, Kenzie, without being fucked up? Without flirting with anger towards herself? Without an ambiguous future? Without separateness from each human? And we will do almost ANYTHING for something we truly identify with. But, turns out I was wrong. So. W r o n g. I can be do and have anything I want IN LOVE with myself. My self hate doesn’t define me. My identity doesn’t rely on it. I don’t feel incomplete without negativity anymore. It’s been a process, months of FAITH and FAITH and more FAITH that I can exist wholly without the need to destroy my sacredness. “Find what you love and let it kill you.” You can bet yourself that my life will die in love with itself. #selflovebootcamp #selfloveishard #butworthit #selfworth #isimportanttoworkon #keepgoing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness Una publicación compartida de Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) el 16 de Mar de 2017 a la(s) 7:38 PDT

Self love bootcamp; Self love. Who needs it when you’ve built your walls and you stand your ground in hate? I’ve identified myself for a long time as the girl who didn’t need love for herself or from others because I can “survive” without. Sure, I longed for it. Sure, I wanted it. But to actually go through what was needed to get it? I’d rather stay hidden, I’d rather stay alone, I’d rather stay untouched. I would rather fuck myself over for years than to be vulnerable. 〰 That’s why I GET what you guys feel when you enter into new vulnerable territories, when we make these posts and they feel scary (but they also enchant us in some beautiful way, don’t they?) The self love bootcamp is just for all us babes to get together and encourage one another to use social media as a way to further explore those scary enchanting moments The self love bootcamp is available for SIGN UP, link is in my bio. Password is MARCHFORLOVE (cause it’s March, get it?! ) There is a section on my site you can head to afterwards to donate if you feel like you can 🙂 which I explained on insta live earlier!! It’s just me doing it this round, I want to be able to offer email support or 1-1 chats but with my work schedule it’s really fucking tough. The donations would help time take a few shifts off a week and have a better response time with you guys. I hope that makes sense During this bootcamp there will be GIVEAWAYS. YAS. QUEENS. Giveaways. (Just to random babes, no competition here ) AND THATS IT I THINK!! Any questions and I will try to answer them over the next few dayssss!!! We start march 1st #selflovebootcamp #gonnakickyerbutt #butgonnaloveyerheart (@rawkavai with the amazing shot ) Una publicación compartida de Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) el 27 de Feb de 2017 a la(s) 4:06 PST

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Post y Contenido Original de : Ay Ojon
Sus fotografías te dejarán sin palabras

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